My Shop

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back In Action

Ok I must admit I've been in a funk.   I haven't had a lick of motivation lately but I think it's coming back.  It helps that I have a house clear FULL of projects that I need to get  Also this helps to motivate me too~
HOLY MOLY!  My husband completely spoiled me! Here he is in action with my 5 year old daughters new bike. In his UGG house shoes none the less. He's pulling some trick moves.....he's a HUGE fan of the movie RAD.  Anyone remember that movie? Classic!  He'd be doing a little table toppin' right now if he could. I'm pretty sure at 6'5" 240 lbs he's way over the limit on that poor bike. Ha!

What a cute partner in crime I have don't ya think? :)
That face he's pulling helps him with his moves. LOL

So I finally finished up the corner shelves unit that I started eons ago.  Here she is in all her glory. 
She's painted in AS Duck Egg Blue and Old White with some clear and brown wax to finish her off.

 I have no room to actually 'stage' my stuff since my house, like I said, is clear FULL of projects.....I wasn't kidding. So the corner behind the door will have to do.  She's pretty cute and I priced her low in hopes to sell her fast!  Let me know what ya think. I love reading your comments!

**Linking up at Southern Lovely !!


  1. McKelle - You are SO creative and talented! I love all of your projects and I may have to come down there and buy some. My hubby was just asking me today when we could go to AZ. I'm thinking it may have to be sooner rather than later. :) Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas!

  2. I am thinking on getting me some AS paint action. Is it really worth it? Yours look great.

  3. Great color! Hopefully your motivation comes back!
