My Shop

Thursday, August 18, 2011


This is MEGA TRAY....for obvious reasons.  She's almost as tall as my 4 year old daughter who is almost as tall as my 6 year old son.  She's a big girl....and the tray's big too!  Who would discard such a nice tray? I love it. I'm assuming she's an ottoman tray but I'm not up on my tray lingo so till someone tells me different, that's what she is.
                           (Painted, heavily distressed, stencilled, stained. AND I took about a 3 dozen pictures of it and this was the best one I could get.  I don't know what the deal was. Sorry.)
       I also made a few signs.  I need to put another coat on this one and I KNOW that everyone and their mother has made this sign but I saw it several months ago when one of my friends posted it on FB and I thought to myself, "That's so me! I do get awesome after my little pity parties."  So I finally got around to making one...after everyone else....but that doesn't mean that it's not true! :)

 I love this song. I remember when I was really little, my mom would rock me to sleep every night in a very squeaky, red rocking chair.  She would sing this song to me and now I sing it to my children.  ~L.O.V.E~


  1. I love the 'awesome' sign. That is so me! Love it!

  2. That tray is so neat! I can't believe how big it is!

  3. how you fixed it up....glad to meet you...going back to follow...pls come visit me too...Mariaelena

  4. I love the Awesome sign!! I'm going to adopt that phrase. You have done so many neat things with furniture. I've tried a couple, but not nearly so successfully. I'm a new follower through Modern Wivelyhood.:)
