My Shop

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Proud American

The last project that I did was my Union Jack Dresser. I think it turned out great but my husband was giving me a guilt trip because I didn't do an American flag. He's (as am I) a very proud American. When he was little his entire bedroom wall was painted as the American flag. Anything USA is top notch in his book so I decided to do this little side table with an American Flag flare to it.  I didn't do 50 stars...that would have made me crazy so I just did three. They fit perfectly and 3 is also my favorite number so that's a win win!! I still need to put the finishing touches on it but was excited to share so here she is.                                       ~ BEFORE~



Thursday, August 25, 2011

Union Jack Dresser

There are sooo many blogs I read and follow that have given me the inspiration to do what I do.  I haven't been doing it for very long but I L.O.V.E. it! There is such a sense of fulfillment when I buy an old, outdated piece of furniture and transform it into something that I can't stop looking at.  One of the blogs that I can't get enough of is Miss Mustard Seed.  If you haven't checked out her blog you've been living in a cave, you really need too.  It's a must see blog for furniture junkies like myself.  She did an amazing job with a dresser where she painted the Union Jack on it.....I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.  I've also seen the Union Jack all. over. the. place.  It was the perfect inspiration for this dresser that has been taking up space in my junk craft room.  (It's a AWESOME dresser with dovetail drawers and all wood.  It was a beast to move cause it's so heavy.) Thank you Miss Mustard Seed for all the inspiration you've given so many of us!

This is the BEFORE:
 I had to use a lot of wood filler. It had some pretty deep scratches and was missing some edges. 

~Hope You Like It!~
This will be going in my shop and will also be at the Vintage Market in Scottsdale AZ on September 17th. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This is where I will be on September 17th.....and not just as a browser/shopper....I will have all my finished pieces there ready to find a new home!  (All the ones that haven't sold as of then.) If you live in the greater Phoenix area, come out and say 'Hi'!  There will be many other vendors there and I'm sure you'll be able to find a treasure or two!  (I'm soooo excited!)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Note To My Followers:

Yes, yes you do!  Thank you to my 10 followers!! It totally makes my day when I log on and see that I have a new follower.  Thank you so much! <3

Thursday, August 18, 2011


This is MEGA TRAY....for obvious reasons.  She's almost as tall as my 4 year old daughter who is almost as tall as my 6 year old son.  She's a big girl....and the tray's big too!  Who would discard such a nice tray? I love it. I'm assuming she's an ottoman tray but I'm not up on my tray lingo so till someone tells me different, that's what she is.
                           (Painted, heavily distressed, stencilled, stained. AND I took about a 3 dozen pictures of it and this was the best one I could get.  I don't know what the deal was. Sorry.)
       I also made a few signs.  I need to put another coat on this one and I KNOW that everyone and their mother has made this sign but I saw it several months ago when one of my friends posted it on FB and I thought to myself, "That's so me! I do get awesome after my little pity parties."  So I finally got around to making one...after everyone else....but that doesn't mean that it's not true! :)

 I love this song. I remember when I was really little, my mom would rock me to sleep every night in a very squeaky, red rocking chair.  She would sing this song to me and now I sing it to my children.  ~L.O.V.E~

Antique Telephone Table

Last Saturday I went to a flea market and found this sweet little antique telephone table.  There was a long line ahead of me when the flea market opened and I was amazed that it was still sitting there when I found it.  I love it!  I'm gonna recover the seat but I need your help by answering a question.  Do you think that if I PAINT this it will decrease it's value?  Or should I just re-stain it and recover the seat?   It needs a little love so I'm going to sand it anyway. I just don't want to ruin it.  So PLEASE let me know what you think!  I would appreciate it!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Button

Hey, check out my new button!!  I'm so not tech savvy when it comes to the blog but I'm learning as I go.  I had pretty much come to the conclusion that I was gonna have to pay some one to make me a button until I found this great blog From Gardners to Bergers!!!  She has a tutorial on how to make a copyable code for a blog button.   YAY!!  I have to admit, it took me WAAAAAAAAAAAAY longer then it should have....only because I've never done anything like it but once I figured it out I about kicked myself for being so ridiculously slow. (I started my button code at 10pm and finally gave up at midnight!) That being said, please, please, please don't let that discourage you from doing this. I PROMISE it's totally simple if you're not me which you're not so you'll do fine!  I woke at 7am (I slept in) and tried it again and it worked the first time.  I'm just gonna blame it on a long day...I wasn't functioning on all cylinders.  So please head over to her blog and create your own! You can find her link HERE!  She also has tutorials on how to MAKE a blog button just a few posts above this one. Enjoy!